Erica Knappenberger


Born in Vermont, Erica has lived in Bozeman most of her life. Growing up as a MOSS kid, given free range of the town, she developed an appreciation for the urban wildlife living along the Galligator and right in people’s backyards. She made friends with pesky Magpies and tiny Spittlebugs. Her passion for finding creatures under garden rocks has continued to grow, and as she nears graduation at Gallatin High, she's planning to continue her college career in Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Erica is excited to support kids in learning about the world around them, and to witness all of the fascinating things they get to discover on their own.

When not working or at school, Erica enjoys exploring the mountains with her dog and horses, looking for local rare reptiles, or cozying up at the tea shop to knit with friends.