Mae Sherman


Mae has lived in Montana her entire life, growing up wandering the Mountains around in the Gallatin with her sister and dog. She jas always been drawn to the outdoors, seeking ways to express her wonder through art, photography, and writing. If you ever need an excuse to get into the mountains, Mae’s your gal! She’s always down for an adventure and loves to make time for skiing, trail running, climbing, fly fishing and mountain biking. Mae sources her inspiration from the outdoors and has found identity and community through enjoyment of our natural world.

She is surrounded by educators in her family giving her endless opportunities to learn about anything and everything. Combining a passion for learning and a love of the world around her, Mae nurtured a desire to teach and continues to seek out opportunities that expand her ability to share her passions with others. She is studying elementary education at Montana State University with the goal of teaching middle school math and science.